Thursday, September 20, 2018

#fallintobooks prompt for today is #TBR.   I can't even begin to share my to be read list.  But the general overview goes like this...

Sitting next to my reading chair - 8 novels
In the office - an entire shelf of tbr
Kindle - I'd estimate 250+ waiting to be read
Written list - No idea.  These are the books or sometimes just an author that I don't have but are what I will read when I get through these books I already have.  hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!   Like I'll ever get through this... I might be able to read a book a day.  Maybe.  But I keep adding books on my kindle.  To get through everything I would need to never look at suggested reads again.... And speed read.  

Image may contain: 1 person, text and Kindle....

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