Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thanksgiving post 10

Today I am super thankful that despite falling out of her wheelchair last night, my mother was not seriously injured.  I got the call last night saying it had happened so Dad and I went down to The Homestead to check on her.  The nurse came about a 1/2 hour after we got there.  Mom was laughing and talking much of the time we were there.  She was actually using full sentences that made sense. It was as if bumping her head cleared a fog for a while.  She has a whopper of a bruise and goose egg on her forehead but otherwise appears fine.  The nurse said her vitals and responses were good so she wasn't too worried.   The aide on duty felt horrible about the accident.  He was pushing her across the hall and Mom planted her feet but he didn't realize it.  Her feet stopped but the wheelchair kept going so it threw Mom out on her head.  He apologized I don't know how many times and mom kept laughing at him.

So I'm thankful for no broken bones or other serious injuries. I'm thankful for no need for an ambulance or run to the ER. And I'm thankful for staff that checked on her through out the night.

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